
DRC Team with Mayor of St Helens and Councillor Lynn Clark
We held our 14th Annual General Meeting on the 11th October which was chaired by the Mayor of St Helens Borough – Councillor Lynn Clarke who chose us as her charity and sits on our management committee.
We presented our annual report and Wendy from Halton Sensory Services made a presentation about the work they do in Halton.
The Mayor visited our on site chapel and took a look at our stained glass windows which feature BSL finger spelling!

Paul Steele, Chair of the DRC Management Committee, said:
“The charity continues to thrive overcoming unexpected challenges and making the most of the opportunities presented. We have successfully increased our generated income back to pre-covid levels, through both existing services and new initiatives such as bespoke training and BSL video production. We have established new working partnerships to increase our offer to young D/deaf people including Sports Sessions and mental health support”.
Our Mission:
- To Challenge Inequalities
- Advocate Best Practice Enable
- Greater Participation
Our Vision:
To create a community in which D/deaf adults, young people and children can communicate, and live independent and fulfilling lives.
Our Core Values:
- Respect – for each other, clients, and partners
- Fairness – in attitude, approach, and delivery
- Accountability – to all stakeholders
- Quality – Underpinning all we do

Mayor Lynn Clark viewing the specially designed BSL Fingerspelling Stained Glass windows in the Chapel at Deafness Resource Centre
Some keys moments from the Report:
- The service has supported 69 individual clients across 197 interventions.
- The service dealt with 1323 Interpreter bookings including 42 Out of hours emergency bookings for hospitals
- 828 people supported with their independence through the equipment service
- 51 individuals successfully completed a 6-weekFamily Sign course.
- New Service – ICAN Sign teaching children aged 2-18 to sign in a fun, inclusive environment. 52 children participated
- 42 families received indepth1:1 support across arange of issues
- Halton Sensory Services hold Tinnitus support groups in Widnes and Runcorn supporting 75 clients
- The Tinnitus Group in St Helens meets monthly supporting 90 clients
- People with hearing loss are encouraged to attend support groups running in Widnes, Runcorn, and St Helens. The groups meet monthly with over 100 participants.
- Delivered 2 x accredited BSL level 1 courses, with 100% pass rate
- 35 Deaf Awareness sessions delivered to a diverse range of service providers including hospitals, Local Authorities, and charities.
- In partnership with Knowsley MBC, the DRC provides a ‘Drop-in’ service for D/deaf people living in the Borough. Sessions are held every Friday alternating between Merseyside Society for Deaf People (MSDP) and Prescot Town Hall.
And much more! Phew!
Everything contained in this report has been achieved through the dedication and hard work of the staff team, they continue to ‘step up’ to meet every challenge and ‘go the extra mile’ in support of D/deaf people which is not always recognised. Thanks to the Management Committee for their continued support and I look forward to working with them over the next twelve months. Helen Fitzgerald, CEO
Thank you to all who attended and our team for all the work they do! See you next year!