
As a small independent Charity, fundraising is very important to us. We are very proud of the services we deliver to D/deaf and Hard of Hearing people. However, we never forget that we are only able to continue to do this thanks to the continued support and generosity from individuals, companies and trusts.
You can support us in a number of ways…
Just Giving
Help support the work of the Deafness Resource Centre by donating through out Just Giving page –
Easy Fundraising
Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. How? Just register and start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal and every time you make a purchase DRC gets a donation! Easy Fundraising
If you are taking part in a sponsored event such as a Marathon or a local challenge, please consider the Deafness Resource Centre on your chosen charity. We will happily help you to gain sponsorship for the event.
Collection Tins
Fundraise for the Deafness Resource Centre!
Place one (or more) of our new collection tins in your school or place of work for a month and see the pennies and pounds add up!
We will deliver the empty tins, collect at the end of the month (within St Helens and Halton areas), and let you know the total figure collected.
Gift Aid
Many of the donations given to the Deafness Resource Centre can now be “Gift-Aided”. This means that for every £1.00 you give, the UK Government gives us another 25p on top.
If you donated £5.00, we would receive £6.25 or if you donated £10.00, we would receive £12.50 etc.
Donations need to be made by a UK taxpayer and a simple Declaration needs to be signed and returned to us if you would like to Gift Aid a donation.
The Declaration Form can be downloaded here DRC_gift_aid_declaration_form and sent with, or prior to, your donation.
Recycle 4 Charity
Recycle your inkjets cartridges and mobile phones to help support DRC, we receive £1 for every reusable inkjet cartridge and 50% of market value on mobile phones
Legacy Donations
Bequests, Legacies and In-Memory Donations
People who leave gifts to the Deafness Resource Centre understand the importance of their gifts to the future of the Deafness Resource Centre; ensuring our clients continue to receive the specialist services we currently provide.
In the last few years, gifts ranging from five pounds to many thousands of pounds were received by us, and although we are not dependent on such gifts, they can make a real difference to the finances and therefore the stability of the charity, particularly during these uncertain times.
Remember Us in Your Will
Making a Will is best done with the guidance of a solicitor. By making a Will you are ensuring that you have provided for family, friends, and charitable causes that are important to you, giving you peace of mind.
A gift to charity, including the Deafness Resource Centre, is exempt from inheritance tax. There are several different types of legacies and it is possible to change your Will at any time, through your solicitor.
Donations in Memory of Loved Ones
A number of families choose to give donations to the Deafness Resource Centre in memory of loved ones. This is sometimes instead of flowers for the funeral, or because they knew that their loved one had used the specialist services of the charity during their life.
A huge thank you to all those who have already thought of the Deafness Resource Centre when writing their Will, and to all the families who have made donations to us in memory of loved ones.
Standing Orders
Many of our supporters choose to donate by Standing Order – a regular payment which leaves their bank and goes direct into ours.
You can choose how much you want to donate – and how often – and all it takes is the completion of one simple form with your bank.
“Spare Change” Boxes
Would you like to have a Deafness Resource Centre “spare change box” at home or in your office to donate your spare pennies. When the box is full, you can bring it to the Deafness Resource Centre and take an empty box, and we will give you a receipt to tell you how much they have collected for us.
This is an easy way for our supporters to feel like they are helping in one small way, and we appreciate every penny which is donated.
How do we use your donations?
Some donations have specific criteria attached, for example, please use for the Equipment Service or the upkeep of the building.
Unless stated otherwise, all donations are used to help us with running costs and continuation of specialist services.
An extremely large gift without specific criteria would be discussed at our Management Committee, and it would either be kept in reserves for difficult times, used to set up a specific project, or split between the two.
If you would like to make a donation, please contact us or send your donation to:
Deafness Resource Centre
32-40 Dentons Green Lane
St Helens
WA10 2QB
Cheques should be made payable to “Deafness Resource Centre”