The Deafness Resource Centre in partnership with Vision Support, have been awarded a three-year contract to provide sensory services in the Halton Borough. The contract with Halton Borough Council commenced on 1st July 2018.
This is an exciting opportunity for the two partners, supported by Halton Council, to develop a fully integrated sensory service geared to meeting the diverse needs of people with sensory loss.
Halton Sensory Services is located at 126 Widnes Road, Widnes. Open to the public Monday to Friday 10am till 3pm.
Services Include:
- Access support, information, and advice on all aspects of sensory loss in one place
- Specialist 1:1 support and assessment of need
- Drop in facilities
- Specialist training – Sensory Awareness, British Sign Language, IT, Braille
- Outreach Mobile Unit to reach more isolated residents
Any comments, ideas, or suggestions on how we can improve our services are welcome.
Halton Sensory Services Contact Us:
Telephone: 0151 511 8801
Email: Sensory.Support@halton.gov.uk
The following services are currently offered:
- Equipment Service / Environmental Aids
Offering equipment designed to support D/deaf people to live more independently in their homes, at work or on the move.
What Type of Equipment Is Available to Me?
There are different kinds of equipment available, dependent on your personal needs. For example, flashing doorbells to alert you to visitors, or loop systems to help you hear conversations or the television.
How Much Does it Cost?
There is a £20 voluntary Assessment Fee, then all environmental aids are given FREE of charge on a long-term loan basis.
- Information and Support
If you would like to access information or support to enable you to achieve your long- or short-term goals, you can access one-to-one support services.
- Self-Help Groups
Hard of hearing and Tinnitus support groups are available for people living in Halton. Find out more information here.

Outreach and Drop In’s across Halton