Testimonials and Case Studies
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Testimonials and Case Studies
Click on the below drop-downs to read about people’s experience and how DRC has helped and supported them
“thank you for the service you provide and how you have supported me with my loss of hearing and tinnitus"
I just wanted to contact and thank you for the service you provide and how you have supported me with my loss of hearing and tinnitus. When I dont have my hearing aids in, my tinnitus is very very prominent in my head.
Bed time is the most disruptive so I read until I drop off, however recently I have been using the snooze band you gave me. It is great and I have been playing calm meditation music to mask my tinnitus and it has been so beneficial and relaxing.
Another benefit is if I am disturbed during the night again I have been using the band to get back to sleep rather than being uncomfortable or reading till the early hours.
Thanks again as always for the support
“Before when I was listening to them it was as if they were far away but now with the equipment it’s like they’re close to me again"
Deafness Resource Centre received an email from TORUS housing association to refer a man who was struggling to hear things at home.
Our Equipment Assessment Officer, Angela Edwards, went to visit JB. He told her that he had been issued with two Hearing aids, which helped, but he was still finding it hard to hear the doorbell, Television, or the telephone ring. He also had trouble hearing conversation with family and, friends. He worried about having the TV to loud, as he didn’t want to disturb the neighbours.
A personal listener was provided, which is a piece of equipment that amplifies sound. JB has been able to use this when talking to people and he now says
“Before when I was listening to them it was as if they were far away but now with the equipment it’s like they’re close to me again and it’s especially nice to be able to hear my family again”.
He was also provided with a portable flashing doorbell; he was happy with the bell as liked to sit in the garden and would now not miss callers at the door.
A TV listener was also installed, which is a piece of equipment which allows JB to listen to the television through a receiver. He can control the volume on the receiver and can have it as loud as he needs as only, he can hear it. The TV listener doesn’t interfere with the normal sound on the television so that the rest of the family can also watch television at the same time. JB is delighted with this piece of equipment and says
“I can relax and watch television now without disturbing the family. I get peace and they get peace, so we are all happy!”
Tinnitus Turmoil: How the St Helens Support Group Restored My Peace
“In 2022 I started to have a loud buzzing in my ear, my doctor said that I had severe Tinnitus, this made me feel very low with the constant noise in my head, so I decided to look online to see if there was any support available.
I found the Tinnitus Support Group in St Helens and gave them a call. The lady spoke to me for 45mins, and this alone made me feel better as I knew I was not alone. She told me about the group that runs every month.
I went to the next meeting and found it a huge help, The people that I spoke to were going through the same thing as I was.
I am so happy that I joined the group just sharing my experience ang getting help and support from people that you don’t really know is a wonderful experience.
One year on, and I can now put the noise to the back of my head and can say its reduced to where I barley notice it.
Thank you to the St Helens Tinnitus support group for giving me my quality of life back”.
"Deaf Awareness Training was the best 4 hours I have ever spent in a classroom"
“Hi I have just got back from the deaf awareness half day delivered by staff at the Deafness Resource Centre. I just want to say it is the best and most valuable 4 hrs I have ever spent in a classroom. The delivery was absolutely brilliant. I can’t say I will be the most prolific signer the trust will have but I will certainly continue to practise it and hopefully be able to welcome patients from the deaf community who choose to sign in their own language.
Many thanks”
Staff Nurse – Whiston Hospital
What they said about the recent Residential Weekend Away...
“Matthew had a fabulous time, and gained so much confidence using BSL- many thanks for this opportunity”
“It was brilliant thank you for this opportunity”
"I'm happy that I made that first step, and what a difference it has made to me" ...
“I saw the Halton Sensory office and went in to make enquires on whether there was any help of advice could help with my hearing loss, and tinnitus. If you haven’t told many people about your hearing loss and tinnitus it is a big daunting initial step to take. I have worn hearing aids for over 20 years and have had tinnitus for even longer.
I’m happy that I made that first step, and what a difference it has made to me.
Hearing loss for me makes me feel lonely in a room full of people, as I was missing so much of conversation. This makes you feel isolated, and withdrawn where you once would have joined in. Hearing loss is tiring, as you are trying to make sense of what is being said. Even shopping on your own makes life harder with hearing loss, as you tend to want someone to go with you, meaning you are dependent on others.
From the moment I stepped into Halton Sensory, they were welcoming, understanding and provided not only practical help with additional equipment to make life easier, but also advised me on support groups for Hearing loss, and Tinnitus.
Halton sensory has loaned me two pieces of equipment. A personal listener, and TV connector.
The personal listener, has helped with my independence and confidence, as I find really helpful especially when attending appointments. I no longer need to reply on someone being able to come with me.
TV was something I avoided, especially when lots of dialogue as I couldn’t keep up with the storyline. Since using the TV connector I can now enjoy a good drama or film again as don’t miss any of the dialogue!
It seems such a simple thing, but provides so much enjoyment.
I attend Hearing support group and separate Tinnitus support group all arranged by Halton Sensory. I have felt less isolated and more social since attending these groups. In the support group sessions, we give each other support on how we deal with Hearing loss or Tinnitus, but also have a natter, maybe a laugh or two along with a ‘brew’.
As we are in a similar situation, to be able to hear what is being said, everyone is considerate and takes turns speaking. You feel validated and listened to.
Being able to speak to others who understand the daily challenges we encounter, make such a difference. I always come away from these sessions feeling happier, as now I realise its also helping with my mental health.
I so look forward to attending these sessions and would miss not attending.
I’m so glad I made that first step into Halton Sensory office. This charity is so special, and others would benefit from their services”.
Thanks for help arranging an interpreter when I need it...
“I would like to thank you Evonne for always been there to connect to help and support me.
A thoroughly brilliant service, One to feel proud of. 😊”
"Being part of the Hard of Hearing Group has not only made me happier but also my family. They see the positive change"...
“I’m 88 years old and have trouble with both my sight and hearing. Wendy from Halton Sensory Service/Deafness Resource Centre invited me to join the Hard of Hearing Support Group. I told them how I don’t go out much anymore because I can’t lip-read due to my sight loss. It makes me feel really isolated and embarrassed when I’m with others, and I can’t join in on the conversations.
I said, “I can be in a room full of people but feel lonelier than ever.”
I used to love chatting with people over a cup of tea, but now the only ones I see are my family, and I don’t want to bother them because they have work and family to take care of.
A friend from the Hard of Hearing group told me about their group, but I was worried that it would be just like before. They assured me that everyone in the group is in a similar situation and that they are very considerate, making sure everyone can be part of the conversation and hear what’s going on. They said they do this by not talking all at once, so each person can hear what’s being said. They also mentioned they have a loop system with an extra microphone so that no matter where we sit, we can hear the conversation clearly.
I decided to give it a try and attended the first meeting they had after COVID. Since then, I’ve been going to every meeting. It’s the only place I feel comfortable socialising now, and I always look forward to going there. Everyone is so lovely, and it’s nice to have conversations with people who truly understand how isolating hearing loss can be.
Being part of the group has not only made me happier but also my family. They see the positive change in me now that I have somewhere to socialise. They were really worried about how isolated I was becoming”.
“I don’t know where we would be without the Deafness Resource Centre. They have helped us as a family immensely".
“I don’t know where we would be without the Deafness Resource Centre. They have helped us as a family immensely.
For my Grandchild, she has met new deaf peers with a range of hearing loss. As a deaf child with cochlear implants she has learned so much about the deaf community is currently learning level 1 BSL, which the DRC helped to secure funding to pay for the course. She can now communicate with those who use sign language, this enables her to interact with everyone.
She has attended a youth residential trip which she loved, she tried so many new things and is looking forward to the next one later this month. She has enjoyed the other activities with her peers both at the centre and outdoors.
All these sessions have helped her grow in confidence, motivation and her outlook on life has changed hugely.
For me, as a carer, the DRC are always there. I know I can ring or email any time for help and advice.
It has been lovely meeting other families and to know I am not alone in dealing with some of the difficulties in caring for a profoundly deaf child.
I have been helped with a door bell and sleep alarm so my Granddaughter can maintain her independence and not rely on me to get her up of a morning especially with college starting soon.
The Deafness Resource Centre is a lifeline for many families and I am grateful that it is here”.
From Hearing Loss to Helping Others: A Decade of Transformation at the Deafness Resource Centre for one young man. What his mum had to say...
“My son has been a regular attender at the Deafness Resource Centre (DRC) for 10 years. Initially he started in Happy Hands, then progressed to the youth club, and now is a volunteer helper. My son developed moderate hearing loss when he was young and needed hearing aids, unfortunately however our family did not know anyone with hearing loss and were unsure how best to support him. When we first made contact with the DRC, we were made to feel very welcome and given so much help and advice regarding his hearing aids for at home and school.
We were able to attend weekly social activities in the DRC and also many trips in the Northwest. My son was also able to attend residential activities, and the DRC staff were amazing with him as this was his first time away from home. As a direct result of this support from the DRC, my son became more confident, less isolated, which ultimately has reduced his anxiety and improved his social skills, communication, and overall wellbeing. My son is now a volunteer helper at the DRC, and learning BSL which again would not be possible without the superb staff supporting him”.
"I stopped going out until DRC helped me with special hearing equipment. Now I'm living my life again!"...
“I’m a 62-year-old gentleman from Runcorn, and I want to share my experience regarding the support and equipment provided to me from Deafness Resource Centre in Halton. After joing the Hard of Hearing Group, I was really happy to find a place where I could talk to others about how I feel regarding my hearing loss.
Honestly, I’ve stopped socialising as much because I can’t keep up with conversations, especially when there’s background noise. It made me feel anxious and even led to depression. Attending most sessions with the Hard of Hearing group has been a blessing because I’m surrounded by people who truly understand how isolating it can be when you have hearing difficulties.
In the group, I opened up about missing my nights out with friends. It was the only way I could catch up with them, but not being able to participate fully in conversations was frustrating and tiring. As a result, I became more and more isolated, impacting my mental health. During one session, they let me try an Artone neckloop and microphone. When we set it up, I was amazed by the clarity it gave me.
I said, “Wow! This is unbelievable. I haven’t heard like this for a very long time. I’m actually looking forward to going out with the lads to try this out.”
A few weeks later, I went back to the office to share how the Artone equipment has changed my life. It’s been amazing. I stayed at the pub with my mates for the whole evening and truly enjoyed myself. In the past, I would have left early because of frustration and anger from not being able to hear well. Now, the equipment allows me to hear the voices and conversations clearly, even over the background noise. It has given me back my social life.
Since then, I’ve fully re-engaged with my friends and feel confident going to the pub without fearing that I’ll miss what’s being said. My confidence has grown, and my mental health has greatly improved. They’ve also equipped me with a flashing doorbell, TV equipment, and a specialised smoke alarm. I’m so grateful for their support and service, and I often recommend it to others I know who have hearing loss”.
"From a very supportive listening and understanding Resource team I discovered the modern age of hearing aid technology"...
I have struggled with hearing loss in both ears for the last 20 years whilst keeping regular appoints and check up’s with the local Hospital Audiology Department this was the only support available… until… the last two years when I discovered right next door to my business retail shop the ‘Deafness Resource Centre’ at Halton Sensory Service. Wow !!
I plucked up the courage to go and see the team to find out what they were all about.
From a very supportive listening and understanding Resource team I discovered the modern age of hearing aid technology.
Being able to adjust and operate my aids myself and from the Deafness Resource team plus a way through to an appointment at NHS Audiology I was introduced and discovered modern and updated appropriate aids that would tune in to my iPhone. This was great. In addition to hearing with clarity and not just volume a piece of equipment that I could plug into my TV and connect with a wireless headpiece so for the first time in years I could watch hear and follow for example a drama series or just plain old 6 ‘O Clock News. Thank you guys and girls I can hear again thanks to your unconditional support.
"I genuinely enjoy being a part of the Tinnitus Support Group; it has been incredibly beneficial for me"...
I joined the tinnitus group because I was really struggling to cope with my constant tinnitus, which was making me feel anxious and depressed. Despite knowing that there’s no cure for tinnitus, I had visited my GP several times in search of support, but unfortunately, I hadn’t received any assistance.
Discovering the existence of the group was a relief. Sharing my story with others who understood exactly what I was going through made me feel less isolated. My husband also accompanies me to the group, showing his unwavering support and a genuine desire to comprehend my experience.
During one of the sessions, the group pointed me towards a free mindfulness course, which aimed to alleviate my anxiety and provide distraction from my tinnitus. I was so thankful for this information, as I wouldn’t have known about the course otherwise.
I’ve been attending the group for a few months now. In the most recent session, I told a new member…
“I was quite lost before I started coming to the group. I have had more support from being here than anything else I have tried.”
The group also provided me with Tinnitus Soother equipment, which has been able to alleviate my symptoms at times. We exchange strategies and coping mechanisms, discussing what works and what doesn’t. This group is the only place where I truly feel listened to and understood. I genuinely enjoy being a part of this group; it has been incredibly beneficial for me.
Room Hire: "This year we have used the 1st Floor Training Room to run wellbeing courses for adults"...
“We found the booking process very easy, a warm welcome every week and all at a very reasonable cost.
Melody loves meeting new friends and is starting to feel empowered about her hearing loss...
“I’m Melody, I’m 16 and live with my mum, dad and sister in Merseyside. I was born with a hearing loss and I’m not sure why. I have moderate, Sensorineural hearing loss and I use two hearing aids. I’m the only Deaf person in my family!
At school I find it hard to understand others, teachers as well as classmates. I do miss out on a lot of information in class and have to concentrate harder than other people. I’ve got a close group of friends though I’m the only one who is Deaf. My school has other students with a hearing loss but they are not the same age as me. We don’t share any classes together and hardly see each other.
People can sometimes be impatient with me and use my deafness as a joke to wind me up. I find it difficult to understand people in conversations and sometimes I pretend I know what’s being said. I have to use subtitles to watch TV which can annoy my family who find it distracting whist watching programs. My family sometimes have to phone me when I’m in different rooms of our house as I can’t hear them shouting my name! I rely on my hearing aids, but even with hearing aids things like traffic can be dangerous as I can’t hear where the cars are coming from.
I met Darcy at The Deafness Resource Centre at the Thursday afterschool Group. Darcy makes me laugh, she’s always positive about everything. She has lots of ideas and she’s very creative. We like doing the same things, watching the same films and listening to the same music. We go to different schools so it’s great to meet her at the centre.
I’ve been going to the group for about a year now. The sessions are great. There are loads of activities that interest me, we are asked about what we want to do and help with the planning too. It’s nice to do things with others who have a hearing loss like me. I have made a lot of new friends since starting here who understand me and like the same things that I do. The staff are nice and they make me laugh!
People without a hearing loss often ask me about the differences between deaf and Deaf. A Deaf person, with a capital ‘D’ is a British Sign Language user and has had a severe hearing loss. They are involved heavily in the Deaf community and have a culture of their own. A deaf person might not be as deaf and is more a part of the wider community.
When I’m older I want to go to college to study A Level English Language & Literature, Maths, Psychology and Biology and then go on to University. My dream job is to be a Criminal Psychologist.
I have more confidence now, more friends and have learned new skills. I communicate verbally as it’s sometimes hard to rely on lip-reading, but since coming to the centre I can now use some BSL (British Sign Language) and gestures to communicate with friends to have private conversations so other people can’t hear me”.